Visit our new Display & Demonstration Room!

Recently we have officially opened the XPAR Vision Display & Demonstration Room, dedicated to show our broad range of systems for Hot End Process Monitoring and Quality Control, as there are:

  • IR-D, our InfraRed Dual Camera system for real time Process Monitoring and Quality Control in the Hot End, for early identification of critical defects of products and real time warnings of process deviations.  
  • IGC, our InfraRed Gobweight Control system, which has recently been renewed for fully automated (closed loop) control of the product weight, within 0.5% weight variation.
  • GobAssist, our unique Hot End technology to monitor the loading of gobs into the blanks, which accuracy and repeatability is ultimately important for both the quality of products and the efficiency of the forming process. It measures speed, length, diameter, time-of-arrival and loading position of the gob of each cavity and shows warnings when tolerances are exceeded. 
  • BTC, our Blankside Temperature Control, enabling automatic temperature measurement of fundamental parts, like blanks, plunger and neck rings, combined with warning notification when out of tolerances. The BTC replaces manual measurements completely and moreover, it repeats measurements of all cavities at least every 15 minutes.

Visit us!

Customers visiting XPAR Vision’s office location in the Netherlands, will get the opportunity to see all systems. At the same time, the equipment is available for customer training purposes.  “We are delighted and proud to welcome our customers to this professional area with the highest density of innovative Hot End technology per square meter”, says CEO Paul Schreuders. Further information on our unique offering can be found at Visit us there!


Paul Schreuders

Contactformulier Paul Schreuders