To give you a quick and easy overview of the IR-D’s most important facts and figures, you will find answers to frequently asked questions here.
Please CLICK on the question to see the cause and solution. Do you have a question that is not in the f.a.q.? Please feel free to contact us directly.
- What is wrong if the following message appears: “No connection to camera” and no images?
- What to do when XPAR reject is not blowing off the right bottles?
- The Chiller gives a fault message. What is the cause?
- Why do I get the message: “No pulse”?
- Why do I get the message: “Synchronization lost” while everything look normal?
- Why do I see no bottles on the main screen of the User Interface while the XPAR cameras produce images?
- Why do I see Strange, deformed product shapes on the overvieuw screen of the User Interface while XPAR cameras produce normal images?
- What is wrong when the following message appears: “Image database error : please clean”?
- Why are bottles square in the Operator overview?
- Why do I get False rejects for Verticality and Shape?
- Why do I get Stuck ware rejects on the main camera while it isn’t Stuck ware?